Saturday, April 5, 2008


It's been awhile since I posted. My last post was about our vehicle situation. For people who don't believe God can provide, I hope they happen to fall upon this blog and see that he provides beyond our wildest imagination.
Our engine was the problem in our mini-van. We decided it was not worth the cost to fix it. The week we started contemplating what to do, I had my dad offer us to sell his minivan. That was unexpected. I also had my grandfather call and let me know that he would help us to buy a vehicle. In addition to that, before all of this happend, Damon's grandfather gave him his pickup truck. We just had to have wheels to pick it up in New Hampshire where his grandpa lived. So in a months time, we went from 1 vehicle to having to decide what to get rid of because we didn't need 4. The outcome is that we ended up being very blessed. Instead of one reliable vehicle, we have 2 reliable minivans and a pickup truck for my husbands hunting days and a car to sell. My dad also ended up deciding that when he purchased his new vehicle, it worked out that he only needed $800 to make what he wanted out of his van. My husband has always gotten the vehicle that we are not sure how long it will last. He now has a van that has new brakes, rotors, tires, suspension and has been taken care of the best one can care for a vehicle.
In addition to all of this, I was able to get $300 for parts at the salvage yard for our van. We were also blessed with a dryer, our dryer quit somewhere in the midst of the craziness. A friend at church heard I was going to the laundromat and asked me why? I explained that our dryer quit. She called me an hour later with a dryer that was in great condition. I have been using it for a month and it works better than our old dryer.
Sorry to go on and on but it's hard not to when God is so good. He blesses far beyond any plan that our human mind could come up with. I had to share his goodness to our family and his many blessings!

1 comment:

Victoria said...

God is SO good!!! I'm glad to see how He has blessed you. AND...thanks for being a blessing to me by posting again!!! YAY!:)