Did you ever feel like everyone wanted a piece of you? I think if you are a mom then you know what I mean. I have 3 children. Many of you have several more than me. Many of you homeschool. We all know the balancing act of wife,mom, teacher, child trainer,housekeeper, cook,bill payer, chauffer, etc..........the list goes on and on. Sometimes it feels like a mom is pulled in so many directions that there is no time for what really counts. No time for the REAL reason that we home educate our kids. I don't know what your real reasons are but I'm sure some of you do it for similiar reasons that my husband and I decided when our adventure first began. First and foremost, we wanted to raise Godly children. We wanted to spend time in the word with them, praying with and for eachother, memorizing scripture, learning hymns. We wanted them to experience life with their family not away from their family. Our hope was that the strongest influence in their life would be God's word.
Reflecting on what our priorities were and still are.........I ask the question to myself, "How important is it that we finish every math lesson in the book? How important is it that the house be spotless? How important is it that I return every phone call? How important is it that I finish that novel? How important is it that we run here or there?
There are so many things that can sidetrack us and pull us away from our priorities. Is it more important that Autumn and Emma learn how to treat eachother kindly and get guidance from me in a disagreement or that the floor got mopped? Is it more important that my phone life be tended to or that my 2 year old get the proper training? Is Math more important that family Bible time and scripture memory? They both are important but many days Math gets done and devotions do not. Where are my priorites? I often find myself having to focus and get back on track. Getting pulled away by the many demands of a mom can cause me to lose focus and get side-tracked. I am thankful that I have a husband who calls me out on things when I'm headed in a direction that is not where my priorities are. I am thankful I have a husband who shares the same convictions and goals for our family. I am thankful for my friends who share in the same struggles and are an encouragement to me when I feel like I've fallen short. I am thankful to the Lord who gives me guidelines in his word so that I don't need to wonder what my role is as a woman. I know I am to love my husband, train my children and be a keeper of my home. I am thankful I have the holy spirit to convict me when I lose focus of what I know God has for me. A friend of mine said to me not to long ago, "Decide what you want to do and give what you want to do your all." "Put your whole self into it and enjoy each moment with your kids. Soon enough they will be grown and you can have a spotless house, talk on the phone at great length, finish your book and run errands all by yourself. " The time we have with our children is to short to be side tracked with things that just don't matter. If you hear me complain about being overwhelmed, please remind me that nothing is more important than quality time with my family. When your overwhelmed, I'll encourage you!
On Break
7 years ago